Miao's Destress Club

Monday, June 22, 2009

Stupid superiors i have here

从来不曾对上司发过脾气。 只是这一次,我忍无可忍啦!!!!

我告诉你哦, 我很感激这间公司给我一个机会尝试新的工作环境.
可是, 进来后, 我才发觉事实并不如表面般华丽, 好玩!
因为这边的上司没脑子的!!! 我超级, 非常, 万分般讨厌他们.
什么ASM,HOS的!! 全部曾经自己是个老板.
结果呢??? 还不是沦落到别人家的公司上班.

他们真的很过分, 自己不爽的时候, 可以拿你来开刀.
哇!!!! 你要怎么说都行的啦!!!

我不会这么轻易就被打败的!! 我看衰这间公司在你们这群王八的带领下是不会赚钱的!!!!!
到别家做,然后签份更大金额的proposal show 给他们看, 不是我没做工.


Jacob Johari said...

cool down there cool...
dun be so 激...not good for health...
ur BDay kan approaching...u r getting wiser....cool cool...

卡娃伊 ling_lol said...

oh! so u found out... aiks.
sigh... new company sux!! but the job is interesting...

Jacob Johari said...

of coz la...how i get to ur blog? from FB ma....and u hv nothing to hide so every1 can see ur profile...hmmm....no job is perfect, like friendship, its a package...

btw...its already there Happy Birthday!!!