Miao's Destress Club

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Drama: Ghost Season I & II

Ghost II

8tv is replaying this TV series on Sunday morning. Today is the last episode...

oh, i'm crazy about this TV series, it was the only M'sia TV series i thought is nice and can't stop myself following it. Especially the 1st season. never knew that M'sia is actually full with talents...

in my opinion, this drama's "quality" is equavalent to Ghost Whisperer. as you cannot get it elsewhere, hence i was always in front of the TV on time on every Sunday 10.30pm (if not mistaken).

i like the male ghost Zack, he's cute!! the love between Eza and him is quite unbelievable and touching. Hope i can keep this drama in my collection...

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Work v.s. Family


難怪他到現在連一個女朋友都沒有,每一個前女友都把他當白癡耍。 活該!!



付出從來就不等于接收。 Give is already more than take.
To be able to give, you feel much better than take.
This is my philosophy. Whoever treats me nice, i'll repay them in 100x good.
I don't like to owe people stuff, even it's only a favor.
I don't like to brag my good to others too, what's the point?!

However, my mum unlike me. Why is the situation so funny?
I thought i suppose to be like mother, somehow i think i'm way better than my mum.
She's abit psycho, sorry to say that.
She thinks whatever i did is correct and good. if others did the same as me, they're no good.
!@$@%$#^%&$^@ WTF!!

She goes and blame my aunty for causing my grandma's death.
My aunty cries like baby when i called her this afternoon after i received her sms
"Do you think i'm the cause for your grandma's death?"
She doesn't want to tell me who but i manage t guess it correctly.

傷心? 不,我是很痛心!!
憑什么??? 憑什么judge舅母呢??
那些會批評別人,卻不會也不敢站在鏡子前的人,非常的卑鄙! 而且無恥!!
我該如何處置我媽媽呢?該怎么和她相處? 能怎樣溝通啊?
舅母就快被那些所謂的‘兄弟姐妹’逼瘋了!! 我看都已經患上憂郁癥了呢!!
要想想啊,母親節,年三十,中秋節都是誰陪我過啊?? 是舅母一家人。

有誰?? 誰可以解救這個局面?誰來教好我媽?

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

PC problem

i have 3 pc.

1.Desktop : been using it since KDU, erm... about 6 years ago. so can tell it's an OLD MAN. nowadays all the softwares, games, even facebook also required quite a big RAM to run. My desktop always hang and very slow.

2.VAIO U8 : got it as my lucky draw prize at Sony annual dinner one year. Very nice. but very small RAM, how to use as normal pc usage?? i mostly use it to play flash games and watch movies.

3.Company laptop - Dell : oh, i hate this the most. always hang for nothing. but i reckon it's because of insufficient of RAM? as it's a company laptop, cannot simply install software, so i can hardly blog "nicely". i don't like it!!

So, my dear friends, be patient ya... i'm planning to buy new pc, still thinking whether to get a desktop or laptop. Once i got it, i will blog everyday and everything... i have a lot, a lot more to share with you.