Miao's Destress Club

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Movie: Incredible Hulk

Review i wrote in Friendster:

"Edward Norton and Liv Tyler are awesome!!!!! just, i couldn't move my eyes away from the scene with both of them in.

story line quite ok, Cin found it's a bit slow and bored at the begining where i don't think so. my god, looking at Bruce and Betty is breath-taking.. *blah*

Edward Norton is cute!!! with moustache, he's man; he's boyishly cute without it though. Liv Tyler is damn gorgeous and sexy too.

they said this edition is better than the previous one. they said Marvel is damn pissed off on the bad quality the previous Incredible Hulk was, hence he request to redo this. erm... i think there will be Incredible Hulk II. and yes! the Iron man appears in the end of the movie as a guest. However, i don't quite like the ending as Bruce and Betty are not together again!!

Worth to watch, guys, don't wait any longer!!! Go Go Go!!"

to be honest, i won't want to watch this show at the very beginning. i wanted to watch Kungfu Panda badly, but Joanne ffk me last min and couldn't find any kaki. Out of no choice, Cindy had a movie marathon date last night and she invited me. So i joined her for the 11.45pm movie: Incredible Hulk.

wouldn't want to watch as this Hero not really attractive. Unlike Batman, Superman, Iron Man, they are rich, good-looking and not ugly when they're Hero. I don't know who is Edward Norton at first, didn't realize he's this cute!! wow *love love*

u know, this is the poorest Hero i ever watched in my life. Batman is superb rich, he got lots of nice car and owns a big company. Iron Man similar to Batman too, bloody rich with brilliant brain, IQ=200 maybe. Superman even though not superb rich, but at least he got a steady job, got girlfriend, got super power to protect himself. Spiderman also similar to Superman. However for this Hulk.... he's not only poor but also gotta be alone his whole life?! something like 天煞孤星, 孤独终老... he has been running all his life at the beginning of the show, i understand that. but why he keeps running away from his love one after he saved the world?? i really need someone to explain to me~

Really pity this Bruce Banners lah~ cannot make love also, kakaka

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